Automatically Ending Non-Responsive Tasks

When some applications running in our pc suddenly may be not

*Start Regedit (RUN)
*Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks
*Set the value to be 1
*In the same section, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want.

some time you may have to installany registery files that you can download:
that file name is

Hub, Switche and Router

*Hub can not recognize destination address of a packets, so it is slower because of packet unnecessarily send all computer in a network
*Do not support concurrent send and receive operation
*Cheaper then switches and routers
*Work on broadcasting methodology, So lot of traffic on the network that can lead to poor network response times

*Identify packet receiver address and forward only to them
*support concurrent send and receive operation
*Costly then hub and cheaper then routers
*Better network response time then hub
*Works on Data link layer and Network layer of OSI model

*Connect two network either LAN or WAN
*It rout packet rather then transmit to computers link switch and hub
*Ensure proper delivery of packet.
*expensive than hubs and switches.

Corrupted or Missing \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG

If you get the error:
Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt

Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Enter in the administrator password when requested
cd \windows\system32\config
Depending on which section was corrupted:
ren software software.bad or ren system system.bad
Depending on which section was corrupted
copy \windows\repair\system
copy \windows\repair\software
Take out the CD ROM and type exit

Changing the User Type

*Right click on My Computer
*Local Users and Groups
*Right click on the user you want to change
*Member of tab
*Add button
*Advanced button
*Find Now button
*From here you see the full list of possibilities (e.g. Power User, Backup Operator etc.)
*If you wanna Delete one user already created you can use this same way.

Network Connection Always Shows Access Denied

If you are always getting Access Denied errors when trying to connect to a XP computer,
and you know you have the correct user names and passwords on the computer,
the solution may be a simple registry edit.

*Start>Run> Regedit
*Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Lsa
*Change the value of a key called "restrictanonymous" to 0 instead of 1
*Don't change "restrictanonymoussam" value.

Viewing Your IP Address Information

There are several ways you can determine your IP address information:


Start / Run / cmd
This opens a command window. One advantage is that you can send the information to a text file (IPCONFIG /ALL > c:\ip.txt)
But sometimes the window shows show much information you need to scroll around to fine it.


Control Panel / Network Connections / Double click the icons for your network (If the network has an icon in the system tray you can also just double click on that icon)
Click on the Support tab
Click on the Details button

The ways to delete "undeletable files"

Many times when trying to remove an unwanted program, especially a piece of adware or spyware, you may run across a file that is undeletable by any normal method.

This are the TIPS for DELETE like this files:(Thats for windowsXP,vista)
*make a note of the file location.for e.g(c:\windows\system3\undeleteablefilesname.exe)
*Click on Start, Run, and type CMD and Press Enter to open a Command Prompt window.
* change to the directory where the file is located. To do this, use the CD command. *You can follow the example below.
Example: to change to the Windows\System32 directory you would enter the following command and Press Enter
cd \windows\system32
Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file. Type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Example: del undeletable.exe
*restart the Windows shell.

There is another methouds too
One of the simple way is you can delete any undeletable files in "Safe Mode" of the windows. you can boot the windows in safe mode by pressing F8 when bigin to boot

And the next way is we can use the softwares to delete the undeletable files.
for example.
Unlocker is a software is the solution!
to download the software freely go to folowin URL

Start-up overload: Main reason to PC slow down

Over time, as you add more and more programs to your computer, many of these applications automatically add themselves to your Windows Start-up folder. Additionally, these applications can add themselves quietly to a hidden area of your Windows Start-up system (accessed via the MSCONFIG run command). In extreme cases your PC will appear completely frozen.Limiting the number of applications loading themselves at start-up can speed boot times considerably and increase overall system can use some particular softwares for manage start-up for example "Regcure"(try it you can also make scan and repair the system errors by this software ). clean the start up and make your PC speed up.

Speed up the internet connection

The Web Accelerator applications designed to provide the full acceleration for your routine web sites browsing.
With the help of Web Accelerator you can browse your internet 4 to 6 times faster than normal dial-up connection. Basically this services compressing the website text data, images and heavy graphics to open or download this data with high speed.

This technique is more useful for static websites and for email applications but don't accelerate with secure and downloading audio or video files. There are various web accelerator software are free available on internet, visit and download it to enjoy your connection.I'm giving 1 for you.